Total de visualitzacions de pàgina:
step 1: watch the trailer
step 2: write down any new words you learn.
STEP 3:write down the characters' names and THE different stories in the film.-Sandra Bullock
-Don Cheadle
-Matt Dillon
-Jennifer Esposito
-William Fichner
-Brendan Fraser
-Terrence Howard
-Chris "Ludcris" Bridges
-Thandi Newton
-Ryan Phillippe
-Larenz Tate
-Michael Pena
-Shaun Toub
Several stories interweave during two days in Los Angeles involving a collection of inter-related characters, a police detective with a drugged out mother and a thieving younger brother, two car thieves who are constantly theorizing on society and race, the white district attorney and his irritated and pampered wife, a racist white veteran cop (caring for a sick father at home) who disgusts his more idealistic younger partner, a successful Hollywood director and his wife who must deal with the racist cop, a Persian-immigrant father who buys a gun to protect his shop, a Hispanic locksmith and his young daughter who is afraid of bullets, and more.
You'll have 1 of the stories.
Write a summary of the story.
Describe the characters in the story:
How do they look like? How are they?
What's the relationship between them?
How do they feel at the beginning? At the beginning the characters they have different problems and solve them in different ways, but after the crash... the characters change their minds.
How do they react in the story? For example, the story between the policeman and the girl, in their first meet, the police is very strict and he touch the girl and the girl is very angry and she don't want to see him again. But then there's the crash, she is driving when she has an accident and the car burn. Then the polices arrived at the place and is this police who saves her. Then they change completely their minds.
Do they change? Why? Why not? Yes, they change the minds a lot and they became more sensible.How do they react in the story? For example, the story between the policeman and the girl, in their first meet, the police is very strict and he touch the girl and the girl is very angry and she don't want to see him again. But then there's the crash, she is driving when she has an accident and the car burn. Then the polices arrived at the place and is this police who saves her. Then they change completely their minds.
Give your opinion. We think this story is very good to see, how the people change in front of the different situations. With this film we've learned a lot about feelings.
Choose one character in the story.
Describe the story using past tenses and expressions: past simple, past continuous, present perfect.
We talk about the story of the blond police, called Tom Hansen.
He first works with the other police, but when he touches the girl he wants to work alone because he is a good person and he doesn't like the behaviour of his partner. So he decides to stop working with him and he works alone. One day when he's working he has to stop a car because he is driving at a full speed, but when the man comes out of the car he sees that he is the black man of the other night with his partner. Hansen tells the fellow officers to leave him with a "harsh warning", as he has no prior history of breaking the law. Cameron drops off Anthony at a sidewalk, gives him back the gun, and tells him that he embarrasses him.
In the end there is Tom Hansen in his car with his friend and the friend puts his hand behind his trousers. the police thinks that he has a gun, so he immediately takes his gun out and shoots him in the head. The black man dies at the moment and then the policeman sees that his friend didn't didn't have any gun. He was only taking out a small figure of Saint Cristobal. Then the police goes away and leave his friend on the road. So he wasn't that good.

In the end there is Tom Hansen in his car with his friend and the friend puts his hand behind his trousers. the police thinks that he has a gun, so he immediately takes his gun out and shoots him in the head. The black man dies at the moment and then the policeman sees that his friend didn't didn't have any gun. He was only taking out a small figure of Saint Cristobal. Then the police goes away and leave his friend on the road. So he wasn't that good.
Podcast your story.
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- aina
- Hello, my name is Aina and I'm fourteen years old, I'm happy and joker and my favourite music are Rihanna and David Guetta. In this blog I will put all the work do in my english lesson. I hope you like it!
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