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Dialogue in the restaurant

Laura: Hi

Aina: Hi

Laura: Hi. The chef is featuring foie gras with smoked duck and figs on a hill of bulgar.Uh, salmon tartar in potato gaufrette... over wild mushrooms, and fennel salad. Uh, for the entree we're featuring... a complex shellfish|pan roast with orso, a touch of comfit and a broth thickened with lobster shell oil. All very, very good.

Aina: Could we have a few minutes, please?

Laura: Ah, yes.

Aina: Thank you.

Sia: Are you sure they got chicken?

Aina: Yes. Here. See, it's right there,sweetie. You see? Poulet. And when the waiter comes back, you may as well talk to him. lt'll be good practice for your summer job interviews.

Sia:I can't talk to that guy. He probably thinks I'm weird or something.

Aina:He does not. He can't help but notice your natural charm. You just look him straight in the eye and you talk to him like you would anyone else.

Aina: OK

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Hello, my name is Aina and I'm fourteen years old, I'm happy and joker and my favourite music are Rihanna and David Guetta. In this blog I will put all the work do in my english lesson. I hope you like it!
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